Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Day Seven

Today was a bit discouraging.  Everybody seemed to be in a grumpy mood, and it kind of rubbed off on me.  My supervisor, Laurie, wasn't there today, so I kind of felt like nobody knew what to do with me.  She left two other librarians in charge, in case I needed anything, but I got the impression that I was left to my own devices.  This was probably a good thing, because there won't always be someone around telling me what to do; I have to start taking initiative and working on things independently.  So I took the time to go ahead and start on the project of creating a letter to send out to businesses and other places regarding the services that the Douglass Branch for Specialized Services offers.  I got a draft started, and worked on the part of the letter that highlights the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.  I still have to work on the second part of the letter that details the services that LOW (Library On Wheels) offers.
Once I was done with that, I sent an e-mail to Laurie with the first part of the draft (as she had previously asked me to do) just to make sure that I was on the right track with the letter.  I then went over to talk to Dori to see if there were any subject headings she wanted me to work on.  Today I worked on Adult Non-Fiction.  I didn't find non-fiction quite as exciting as fiction, but I still don't mind working on the subject headings, at all.  After a while, Dori invited me to take a break from the subject headings and observe Jesse instruct a new student on how to type using the computer.  For her first day, the student made excellent progress.  I told her that I struggled when I first learned how to type, and I didn't have a visual impairment.  This seemed to make her feel good, as she kept chastising herself for making minor mistakes.  At the end of the lesson, I took the time to talk to the student and get to know her a bit.  I think she appreciated that, as well.  Jesse seemed to appreciate it, too.
I was supposed to be observing and helping out with Makerspace at the HYPE center in the Main Branch on Thursday, and go out on a book run to a senior living facility on Friday.  Unfortunately, personal matters have arisen and I will no longer be able to do either of those things this week.  I'm disappointed, but I'm hopeful that I will be able to experience both of those activities in the future.  I'll be sure to blog about it when I do!

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