Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Day Fifteen

Today I changed my hours and went in from 1-6pm, so that I could attend the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped's monthly book club meeting at 4:00.  The book club was great.  Not everyone read the two books that they were supposed to have read, but people still contributed, and it seemed as though they just enjoyed being able to get out and be around each other.  Dori and I were both surprised at how many people showed up, because we were worried that the weather would deter them from coming.  We still had about 10-15 people though, so it was a pretty good sized group.

Going back to before the book club, I started off my day by going over some subject headings with Dori.  I had made a few mistakes in the last batch, so we went over how I could correct them.  Then, after that, I worked on some more subject headings.  This time I worked on Adult and Teen fiction subject headings, so the synopses of the books were a bit more interesting for me to read than the non-fiction selections.

After I was done with the subject headings, I worked on my project for Laurie by creating address labels with the addresses that I compiled last Tuesday on them.  These labels are going to go on the envelopes we send out the flyers and the letters about LBPH and LOW (Library on Wheels) in.

I also got to observe Jesse give another typing lesson.  This student was much better at typing than some of the other students I observed.  He also showed her how to open and close programs using keys on the keyboard rather than a mouse, as it would be difficult for her to use a mouse with limited vision.  So that was very interesting to watch.

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