Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 4!

Today seemed action packed (which is definitely a good thing)!  First off, I observed at the reference desk.  When the librarian was asked a question, I tagged along, just to get some experience.  The librarian actually handed off the question to me and went back to work!  I was a little nervous, but tried to help the patron to the best of my ability -- he was trying to upload his resumé to an employment website.  I was able to help him so far as getting his resumé to go from an attachment on his e-mail to an actual file on the computer, but for some reason when we tried to upload the file to the website, it just would not upload.  It was so bizarre.  Another patron saw we were having difficulties and attempted to help us, but he agreed that I was doing everything right, there was just something that wasn't working right.  Eventually the man gave up trying to upload his resumé and told me not to worry about it.  I felt awful, but he said he was very appreciative of my help, even if I couldn't successfully help him with his problem.

After that, I headed over to the Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped to observe Jesse, the computer instructor, give a lesson to a patron who was physically disabled.  The patron did not have the use of his hands, and was learning how to use speech recognition software in order to type and successfully navigate the computer.  It was fascinating to watch.  Unfortunately, the patron had a bit of a problem with his speech as a result of his disability, so some of the things he tried to type didn't always come out clearly, but he was eventually able to pull up a video on YouTube just by using his voice!  Jesse and I then had a conversation about accessibility features on various computer operating systems.  Jesse uses all Windows software, while I use a Mac, so I was curious to know if the Mac accessibility features were comparable.  He said that most people he knows who are visually impaired prefer windows.  I told him I would check out the accessibility features on my Mac and report back to him.  Right now, as I type, I am attempting to use the speech recognition software provided on my Mac.  Unfortunately it's not working as well as I'd hoped, but that could just be because of me, I might not be speaking clearly enough.

After lunch I got to work on some more subject headings.  Dori told me that some of the subjects were hard to glean from the synopsis provided on the cards, and that I may have to use Amazon to verify the subjects of the book.  I found that she was right; I was missing out on a lot of different subject headings just by reading the synopsis alone.  Amazon was a great help in helping me to better identify subject headings for each book.  Today I worked on the Young Adult fiction subject headings, and I actually came across some books that sounded interesting that I might have to read for myself!

Dori and I talked before I left about making sure I get the most out of my practicum.  I feel like I am doing a lot already, but she said that she would try to talk to Janet and Miss Carol at the Main Branch about me possibly doing a storytime of my own in the near future.  She also suggested that I participate in the LBPH book club that's happening in February.  I would read the selected book, and then I would be able to discuss it with the patrons when they come to the LBPH for the book club.  If that goes well, I may do the March book club, also.  I also, if time allows, may go out with Ryan or one of the other drivers on a homebound run to deliver books to those who are unable to leave their homes.  Not only would I deliver the books, but I would help pack the books to prepare for the homebound run.  I think this would be a really great experience, and I hope that I will be able to take advantage of it.

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